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Productivity Improvement Through IE Tools & Techniques

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Introduction to Programme: For Shop-Floor * Shop-floor Related Professionals Eight day Application Program for improving productivity, Workload & Manpower Assessment, Productive Deployment of Manpower & Determination of Output Norms and Standards of Performance using Industrial Engineering Tools & Techniques.
Spread over three months, Week-end program starting Dec-2013
Objective of the Programme:

  1. To provide long lasting solution to organizations, in ensuring optimum utilization of resources
  2. To develop competence to measure, improve and standardize work of all type
  3. To facilitate modernization of HRM practices and put them on sound basis
  4. T0 introduce the IE techniques and tools   to Executives & Managers in the industry

It will be highly beneficial for the organizations and individuals if select few – minimum of two persons to ensure continuity - enthusiastic, open minded persons with appetite for learning are sponsored for this series of programs.
We will equip them with essential professional competencies and you will be able to employ them full time or part time. They can develop into effective transformational leaders in the future. It has been observed that such investment gives highest return both to the organization and Individuals.   

Course Duration:  Total Duration of the Training will be 12 days  ( 4hrs.  a week ) .Theory & Practical Examples
Timings: Theory classes will be for 4 hrs. in the evening , on weekends .
Programme Fees: Rs. 15000/- towards programme fee, cost of course material and refreshment. 10% concession for IIIE Member

Mr. Nilesh Pendharkar, IE & -LEAN Specialist, Ahmedabad
Nilesh Pendharkar, a non-stop learner is a graduate in Industrial & Production Engineering. He had postgraduate training in Productivity Sciences, LEAN, Operational Excellence, MIS, Eastern thought and practices. Since 1992, he has worked as an Industrial Engineer, I.E. Consultant (Associate Consultant – Baroda Productivity Council, National Productivity Council), and Head of IED. Since 2001, he has helped more than hundred organizations, from different sectors of industry and business to improve their productivity and profits through application of modern work study and related improvement techniques. He has also been a learning facilitator for number of professionals in this specialty.

CONTENT (Brief Synopsis)


  1. Productivity and the Standard of Living
  2. Productivity in the Individual Enterprise
  3. Work Content
  4. Management Techniques to Reduce Work Content and Ineffective Time


  1. Work Study
  2. The Human Factor in the Application of Work Study

Day 3

  1. Introduction to Method Study
  2. Method Recording Techniques
  3. Method Examining Techniques
  4. New Method Developing Techniques

Day 4

  1. The Flow and Handling of Materials
  2. Plant Layout
  3. The Flow Diagram
  4. The Handling of Materials – Principles, Equipments

Day 5

  1. Movement of Workers in the Shop
  2. The Multiple Activity Chart
  3. The Travel Chart
  4. The Development of Improved Methods
  5. The Methods Laboratory

Day 6

  1. Define, Install, Maintain
  2. The Principles of Motion Economy
  3. The Two-handed Process Chart
  4. Micromotion Study
  5. The Simo Chart


  1. The Use of Films in Methods Analysis
  2. Other Recording Techniques
  3. Working Conditions
  • Cleanliness
  • Housekeeping
  • Lighting
  • Ventilation, Heating and Cooling
  • Colour  & Noise


  1. The Purpose, Uses & Techniques of Work Measurement
  2. What Is Time Study? Basic Time Study Equipment
  3. Time Study Forms
  4. Selecting the Job to Be Studied and Making a Time Study
  5. The Steps in Making a Time Study, Checking the Method, Breaking the Job   into Elements
  6. Rating, Factors Affecting Rate of Working, Scales of Rating
  7. The Analysis of Studies Sheet
  8. Work Content
  9. Allowances
  10. Setting Time Standards for Work with Machines


  1. The Use of Time Standards
  2. The Work Specification, Standard Unit of Work
  3. Production Planning and the Utiisation of Plant and Labour
  4. Line Balancing

DAY 10 

  1. Other Techniques of Work Measurement
  2. The Production Study
  3. Activity Sampling
  4. Number of Observations Required
  5. Using Activity Sampling
  6. Rated Activity Sampling
  7. Synthesis
  8. Analytical Estimating
  9. Predetermined Motion Time Systems

DAY 11

  1. Latest Techniques & Role of IE
  2. Introduction to Lean Manufacturing
  3. Value Stream Mapping
  4. Creating Flow, Pull

DAY 12 

  1. Other Applications of IE Tools & Techniques
  2. Introduction to Operational Excellence
  3. Introduction to TPM
  4. Work Culture & 5S
  5. Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Keywords productivity improvement  In Industries, productivity improvement through industrial engineering, productivity improvement  In Manufacturing Industries, productivity improvement consultants,productivity improvement consultancy services, service industry productivity,productivity improvement program