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Program On Just In Time (JIT)

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Introduction to Programme: Just In Time is one of the key tools used in reducing the cost burden related to high levels of Stock and Inventory within both Internal and External Supply Chains.Just in Time methodology, as the name suggests, ensures that materials are delivered at their point of use as and when required, not in any other quantity than that which is required, by application of combination of tools i.e. Cellular Manufacture & Single Piece Flow , TAKT time, Kanban, Haijunka etc.
Internal Improvements impact on the levels of Finished Goods Stock and Work in Progress, whilst Supply Chain Initiatives in Conjunction with the Supplier/Customer interface, addresses the issues associated with high levels of Raw Material.
Our approach to Just in Time is to evaluate the actual levels of stock in the supply chain and determine optimum stock levels; any excessive stock will then be identified together with its cause. Upstream processes that are identified as the cause of excessive stock will then become the focus for optimisation under the Just in Time philosophy. A key element of JIT is to make clear the relationship between the Customer and Supplier, and emphasise their roles and responsibilities throughout the entire supply chain.

Objective of the Programme: 

  1. JIT concepts are based on the pull demand model. Everything is done when they are actually needed.
  2. To understand how JIT helps in removing all types of waste.

Benefits of the Programme:

  1. Reduced space requirements
  2. Reduction in Lead Time
  3. Reduced Costs of Inventory
  4. Reduced quality Concerns and Waste
  5. Improved Supplier Performance
  6. Greater Return on Investment

Who Should Attend ?
Senior & Middle Managers of all functions, Quality Professionals, Academicians, Management Consultants, MBA & Engineering Students, and People involved in implementation of Lean in MSME's & large organizations.

Course Duration:  One day Program .
Timings:     10:00  AM  to  5:00 PM
Programme Fees: Rs. 3000/- towards programme fee, cost of course material, Lunch and refreshment. 10% concession for IIIE Member

Mr. Nilesh Pendharkar
Mr. Nilesh is BE in Industrial and Production Engineering from SGSITS Indore, Worked with various industries for 15 years.
Joined Vrunda Consultancy Services in 2001 as founder member, Associated consultant - Baroda Productivity Council, National Productivity Council. Provides consultancy in Lean Manufacturing, OE, Time and Motion Study, Cost reduction, Production Norm Setting, Job Evaluation and Manpower Planning.


  1. What is Just In Time (JIT) Concept ?
  2. Understanding  meaning and Just In Time (JIT) concept .
  3. Advatages and Disadvantages of Just In Time (JIT).