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5S and Visual Management

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Introduction to Programme: For Shop-Floor * Shop-floor Related Professionals  One day  Awareness Program .
5S activities changes the way in which people think and behave and also alter the quality of both equipment maintenance and the work environment. 5S relates to the Organisation of the Workplace (Workplace Organisation) and is the solid foundation upon which a Lean Organisation is based.
The program is called 5-S, since all steps start with an "S", five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke.The list describes how to organize a work space for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items, and sustaining the new order. The decision-making process usually comes from a dialogue about standardization, which builds understanding among employees of how they should do the work.
A significant part of the Workplace Organisation process involves the use of Visual Management where everything that takes place within the workplace should be easily understood by everyone, including strangers to the process.

Objective of the Programme

  1. Understanding the each S of the Concept.
  2. Work Culture Improvement.
  3. To provide long lasting solution to organizations, in ensuring optimum utilization of resources
  4. Every body is involved, Co-operative effort

Benefits of 5S :

  1. Reduced space requirements
  2. Improved Safety
  3. Improved work efficiency
  4. Employees with a sense of ownership and motivation
  5. Reduced inventory
  6. Improved quality
  7. Reduction in Waste
  8. A solid Foundation upon which to build Continuous Improvement

Who Should Attend ?
For Shop-Floor * Shop-floor Related Professionals,  Operating Managers & Supervisors  who are accountable for shopfloor management .
It has been observed that such investment gives highest return both to the organization and Individuals.   

Duration One day Program .
Timings:     10:00  AM  to  5:00 PM
Programme Fees: Rs. 3000/- towards programme fee, cost of course material, Lunch and refreshment. 10% concession for IIIE Member

Mr. Nilesh Pendharkar
Mr. Nilesh is BE in Industrial and Production Engineering from SGSITS Indore, Worked with various industries for 15 years.
Joined Vrunda Consultancy Services in 2001 as founder member, Associated consultant - Baroda Productivity Council, National Productivity Council. Provides consultancy in Lean Manufacturing, OE, Time and Motion Study, Cost reduction, Production Norm Setting, Job Evaluation and Manpower Planning.


  1. What is  5S ?  A Rigorous understanding of each of the 5 Ss
  2. The meaning and concept of  5S and understanding the concept at the shopfloor level.
  3. Implementation of each "S"   and how one should actually go   about it.
  4. Sharing of live examples of  5S Implementation across different types of industry & service sectors
  5. Problems encountered while  implementing  5S .
  6. Examples of successful implementation of  5S and how one can adapt the learning from such examples to one’s own workplace
  7. How to sustain  5S