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Productivity Improvement Through Line Balancing On Stitching Line In a Footwear Industry

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Indian Industry has shown substantial growth in the global production network. Many Indian consumers now spend as much on footwear as on apparel and change their shoes for different occasions, helping expand footwear range from formals casuals and home wear to weddings, monsoons, club-wear, sports wear, beach wear and lounge wear. They have also helped the footwear industry almost double in past 5 years. In Indian Footwear industry is labour intensive industry. Small and mid sized industry are not able to mathc the market requirement as well as market competitions as a result, under pressure, enagae more & more human forcee. Ironically, effective layout & if proper line balancing of Stitching & Assembly line is done, less human forces is required to generate the existing level of output or even higher output.


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This article was published in the Industrial Engineering Journal VOL VI Issue-10 October 2013