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Industrial Engineering

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Industrial Engineering
What the profession offers
Opportunities to grow as individual professional and to make meaningful contributions to the Society are vital considerations in selecting one's career. In the present context of rapid social, economic and technological changes in our country, qualifications based on multi¬disciplinary methodology provi de the best prospects and competitive advantages.
Industrial Engineering which has emerged as a full-fledged profession in our country during the last five decades, offers the most rewarding career. It is a multi-disciplined approach to achieve higher productivity through optimum utilization of resources in any organisation and to meet the emerging Challenges of Globalization of our Economy. The contribution of Industrial Engineering is very well recognized and now it is being called upon to play an even more significant role. The future of Industrial Engineering is bright in every sector of our economy.

Definition of Industrial Engineering
"Industrial Engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of men. materials and equipments. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the Mathematical, Physical and Social Sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems".

The Institution
The Industrial Engineering discipline has been fostered and developed In our country by the Professional Institution, the Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, founded as early as 1957. During the last five decades and more, the Institution has been consistently doing extensive and pioneering work in disseminating, fostering, developing and advancing the discipline and profession of Industrial Engineering in our country.

Industrial Engineering in the context of Globalisation
Industrial Engineering provides the best means for evolving effective strategies and efficient means for meeting any challenge and giving a thrust for development.
Industrial Engineer can play an important role in an organisation for smoothly progressing transiting into medium term plans from short term plans and from medium term plans into long term plans.

Some of the VITAL areas regularly covered by Industrial Engineering are :
Strategic Planning
R&D Management; Technological, Economical and Market Forecasts; Investment Analysis; Location, Manufacturing Strategies; Product/ Service Mix and Range; Global Trend etc.

Product / Service Design
Innovation; Customer Needs, Value Analysis; Product Quality and Reliability ; Process Design, Standardisation; Obsolescence, Upgradation, Replacement; World Standards etc.

Work System Design
Operations Analysis, Plant Layout and Material Handling; Flexible Manufacturing. Automation; Capacities Financing and Financial Controls; Operations Design, Main Considerations; Productive Maintenance, Total Quality Management, Cost and Budgetary Controls, Employee Training etc. Standards, Bench Marking, Business Process Re-engineering, Modernisation, Global Developments etc.

Supply Chain Management
Materials Management, Frame work to analyse Supply Chains, Transportation in a supply chain, Facility Decisions-network in a supply chain and Information Technology in a supply chain.

Human Resource Management
Skill Analysis, Forecasting and Man Power Planning; Training and Retraining, Employee Motivation and Retention; Redeployment, Appraisal, Counselling, Personal Development; Environment of Knowledge Based Work, Knowledge, Workers etc.

Cashing On Communication And Information Technology
Quantitative Analysis; Information Systems; Networking between Locations, Vendors and Customers; Computer-assisted Planning and Control of Operations, Materials etc. Computer assisted Accounting, Budgetary and Costing System; Computer Aided Designing, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Expert Systems etc.

Other Areas
Involving Systems with Technical, Economic and Social Considerations and their Interfaces.